Frequently Asked Questions

Find quick answers to the questions LINK receives most often. Much of the information included here can also be found in other sections of this website. If you are interested in a service not offered by LINK, Virginia's 211 website maybe helpful. 



Q: How often can I receive food from LINK?
A: The guideline is up to four times in a calendar year and at least a month in between deliveries. If you continue to require assistance, you must be referred by a social worker. Fairfax County residents should call Coordinated Services Planning at 703-222-0880. Loudoun County residents should call Loudoun Cares at 703-669-4636. NOTE: the frequency for food assistance may be modified as circumstances require.

Q: Why does LINK sometimes deliver food that has an expired Best if Used By date?
A: Use by dates are provided by companies that package food in order to manage inventory by stocking and selling products based on Use By dates. For non-perishable foods, the Use By date does not affect the quality or nutritional value of the food. Since nearly all LINK food is donated, LINK chooses not to discard donations of edible food. Find some helpful answers from this blog

Q: Where can I get more food if I run out of food provided by LINK?
A: Please contact these social agencies if you need additional food assistance: Fairfax County residents should call Coordinated Services Planning at 703-222-0880. Loudoun County residents should call Loudoun Cares at 703-669-4636.

Q: Do you have anything like Meals on Wheels?
A: LINK does not provide prepared meals but delivers donated perishable and non-perishable food to your residence. Please contact LINK at 703-437-1776 to request a food delivery.

Financial Assistance

Q: Can LINK help me pay my rent or utility bills?
A: When LINK has sufficient funds, assistance is available in the Herndon and Sterling communities. You must contact the appropriate social agency to request assistance with rent, mortgage or utilities. The social agency representative will contact LINK on your behalf. Fairfax County residents should call Coordinated Services Planning at 703-222-0880. Loudoun County residents should call Loudoun Cares at 703-669-4636.

Annual Holiday Food Program

Q: I lost my registration number and/or forgot my food pick-up time (or church) to come. Can you tell me what my registration number is? Can you tell me what time I should come? What is the location of the church I should go to?
A: Please contact us and include your name, address, and phone number. We will get back to you with the Registration details.

Q: Can I get my food delivered as I do not have transportation?
A: Yes, when you register please tell the LINK representative that you need a delivery.

Q: I’m from Leesburg or Reston and I don’t live in the LINK service area of Herndon, Sterling, or Ashburn . Can you tell me where I can sign up for a Holiday Food Program in another area?
A: Loudoun residents can contact Holiday Coalition at 703-737-8367. Reston residents can contact Cornerstones at 571-323-1400 or Reston-Herndon F.I.S.H. at 703-391-0105.

Q: I could not get a Holiday Food Program registration number. There were no more available. Can you tell me if there is another way to get on the list?
A: You may come to one of the participating churches the day of the Holiday Program distribution on a walk-in basis after the registered clients have received their food. This is usually after 2:00 PM on the food distribution day. You will need to have a Photo ID and must live in Herndon, Sterling, or Ashburn in order to receive assistance. If food is available for walk-ins, it may be pre-packed and you won’t be able to pick out what you want.

Q: I’d like to volunteer for the Annual Holiday Food Program. How do I sign up?
A: A description of volunteer opportunities for the Annual Food Program is listed on the Holiday Program page.


Q: I want to donate food. How may I do that?
A: LINK has several member churches in Herndon and Sterling. You can drop the food off at one of these member churches or a LINK volunteer can arrange to meet you at the pantry. In some cases, we can provide a volunteer to pick the food up at your location. Before taking your donation, please call the church to confirm that it is open and able to accept the donation.


Q: How may I sign-up to volunteer? May I bring my children?
A: Please contact LINK,, or call 703-437-1776 and tell us what your volunteer interest is. Volunteer opportunities are described on this website, click here, for additional information. Children are welcome to accompany an adult who is able to supervise their activities while performing volunteer tasks.

Q: I’m interested in helping with food deliveries. How may I sign-up?
A: Please contact LINK and tell us of your interest in delivering food. If you belong to one of the LINK member churches you may contact your church representatives and they can assist you in signing up as a volunteer.

Q: I’d like to volunteer for the Annual Holiday Food Program. How do I sign up?
A: A description of volunteer opportunities is listed the home page and on the Volunteer tab of this website and a link is provided to sign-up.

Q: My child needs service hours. How can he/she volunteer at LINK?
A: LINK has many ways students can volunteer. Please contact us at 703-437-1776, or, leave a message with your student’s name, age, phone number, and email address. A LINK representative will contact you to discuss volunteer opportunities and schedule volunteer time. We ask that an adult accompany elementary and middle school children while performing volunteer tasks. Students are also welcome to volunteer for the Annual Holiday Program. Please see above to learn how to volunteer.


Q: Where can I get clothing?
A: There are several local thrift stores that offer clothing at very good prices. In Loudoun County, Good Shepherd Alliance has several locations. In Fairfax County, The Closet, located in Herndon offers a good selection of merchandise.

Q: How may I get a voucher for clothing?
A: LINK partners with The Closet in Herndon and Good Shepherd Alliance Thrift Stores in Loudoun County to occasionally provide free clothing for LINK clients. Qualified families are given vouchers authorizing them to obtain items without incurring a cost. Contact us if you need to request a voucher. You can also contact a case worker at Good Shepherd Alliance by calling 703-724-1555 for more information about their voucher program.

Q: Does LINK offer coats? If so, how can I get one?
A: Coats, gloves, hats, etc. are sometimes distributed as part of the Annual Holiday Food Program. If you are registered to receive food, you will receive a ticket when you pick-up your food, that allows you to get a coat, hats, etc, at a member church. This is a one-day only event and you must be registered for the Annual Holiday Food Program to receive a ticket.


Q. Does LINK offer beds or furniture for free?

A: LINK no longer offers beds or furniture.